Blog Hilton Lewis

“Kim worked with me as an executive coach when I first assumed a CEO role. I found her extraordinarily helpful and supportive in that initial stage when everything is different from all you learned that got you the role.

Kim is an outstanding listener, and really gets to the heart of what the challenges are. She teaches introspection as a way to understand how to leverage your own strengths and identify what needs to change. She showed me how to see conflict as an opportunity to improve things – and how to identify where change is needed, and where it is not.

She helped give me the courage and tools to tackle thorny issues early on – and that made the rest of my time as CEO much more productive and satisfying.”

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EP 97: Why Most Traders Fail at Risk Management

In this podcast episode, Kim welcomes back Brian Lee to discuss the often misunderstood concept of risk in trading, emphasizing its importance for both novice...

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6/18/24 – Live Coaching with Kim Ann Curtin

Live coaching with Kim Ann Curtin!

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6/13/24 – Live Coaching with Kim Ann Curtin

Live coaching with Kim Ann Curtin!

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The 5 Practices

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