Blog Ep 85: Gratitude is the Attitude with Ricky Analog

4:23 Gratitude in the face of struggle.
7:24 Continuous self-destructive behaviors.
18:06 FOMO and trading strategies.
28:37 Systematizing for success.
54:43 Ignoring P&L for better trading.
58:09 Building confidence after losses.
1:16:02 Gratitude is the attitude.

Gratitude’s Game-Changing Role in Trading and Life

Ricky Analog, a seasoned trader with more than a decade of trading under his belt, drops some real knowledge about how gratitude can be a game-changer, not just in trading but in your everyday life. Gratitude isn’t just a warm fuzzy feeling; it’s a practical tool that can boost your trading skills and make your whole life better.

Traders often get caught up in the nitty-gritty of it all, forgetting how incredible it is that they get to trade for a living. Ricky, who’s also a dad of three, is all about reminding us that trading is a pretty unique lifestyle. Outsiders might think traders are just clicking buttons, but it’s so much more than that!

Ricky believes that on your darkest days, gratitude can be your beacon of light. When life gets you down, just a few minutes counting your blessings can totally lift the weight off your shoulders and make your problems seem less daunting.

So, how do you add gratitude into your trading life? So many ways! Listen in to hear Ricky share his thoughts on incorporating gratitude into trading and life.

Gratitude is a total game-changer. By taking a moment each day to remember all the awesome stuff you’ve got, you’re not just leveling up your trading skills; you’re bringing more happiness into your life.


Follow Ricky:

Twitter – @rickyanalog


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Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal, or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security. For full disclosures:

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