Blog Ep 82: Seeking Alpha’s Steven Cress on the Importance of Data-driven Trading & Investing

Steven Cress, the head of quantitative strategies at Seeking Alpha*, shares his journey and insights into how Seeking Alpha’s platform is changing the landscape of investment research.

The platform, fueled by crowd wisdom and diverse opinions, caters to over 70 million users monthly. Breaking news, analyses, and advanced tools allow investors to make informed decisions without exhaustive research.

Steven’s career trajectory was driven by a desire to simplify investment research. He vividly recalls the days of laboriously assessing stocks through reports and data analysis. His quest for an easier approach led him to develop his own proprietary platform, aligning seamlessly with Seeking Alpha’s mission.

The founding of Seeking Alpha by David Jackson created a space for buy-side analysts to share their insights, forming a hub for crowdsourced investment research. Steven’s quantitative strategies harmoniously merged with the platform, transforming it into a unique powerhouse of qualitative and quantitative insights. The stock page itself offers a comprehensive overview, displaying qualitative opinions, consensus recommendations, and Steven’s quantitative grades.

Central to Steven’s approach is the daily refresh of quantitative data, providing users with real-time insights. This approach simplifies the evaluation of stocks by comparing them within their sectors, turning a complex process into an effortless one.

Steven Cress and Seeking Alpha are revolutionizing investment research by seamlessly combining qualitative insights with quantitative analysis. This synergy empowers traders and investors to make swift, informed decisions, reshaping their approach to investing.

*Check out this special Seeking Alpha affiliate link with a discounted price for The Wall Street Coach followers!

The Wall Street Coach is an affiliate of Seeking Alpha. Content stated may not reflect the opinions of Seeking Alpha and does not constitute a recommendation of advice that any particular security or investment is suitable for any specific person.

Follow Steven: 

Twitter: @StevenCress3

Seeking Alpha: steven-cress

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Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal, or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security. For full disclosures:

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