Transforming Wall Street

A Conscious Path for
a New Future

How to Develop a Professional Mindset
November 17, 2022

It takes work to develop a professional mindset. But once you lay the groundwork, maintaining it becomes second nature. Start here!

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5 Methods for How to Deal with Trading Losses
October 27, 2022

Losing is part of the game with trading — more so than with other professions. Learn 5 methods for how to deal with trading losses NOW.

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What is FOMO in Trading: What It Is & How to Manage It
October 19, 2022

FOMO + trading — the struggle is REAL! Keep reading for tips on how to avoid FOMO in trading starting NOW.

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How to Hire a Coach
October 18, 2022

Do you want to hire a coach? Not so fast! Consider these 5 crucial things before you commit to a coach (you won't regret it)...

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BlogBooks/Films I'm Learning From
How to Live From Abundance
October 7, 2022

There is a natural law of abundance whichPervades the entire universe, but it will not flowThrough a doorway of belief in lack and limitation – Paul Zaiter   I discovered the above quote about abundant living from Lynn Twist’s book, “The Soul of Money.” Given the spirit of scarcity in the air right now, it […]

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The 5 Practices

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