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When you sign up for Curtin Call, you’ll receive The Five Practices excerpt from Kim’s book Transforming Wall Street.

Curtin Call is Kim's weekly newsletter that explores the world of finance, trading, investing & leadership through thought-provoking questions.

Pulled my trader out of a dangerous slump

When one of my traders went into a long drawn out slump I reached out to Kim for help. The sessions were well worth the investment, as they paid for themself in no time. In just a few weeks she managed to help him get back to consistent profitability. His performance has continued to improve and he is back on track to being a highly successful trader. Perhaps more important were some of the intangible and unexpected benefits. Kim’s advice and guidance has been impactful in some very meaningful ways. Over the next few months of coaching he transformed into a new person – his outlook and attitude have never been so positive. My only regret is not starting sooner.”

– Gregg Sciabica
Founder, Lucky Strike Trading


Sustaining Success

“The majority of the work that I have been doing is with the help of Kim Ann Curtin. For me, the work has to do with reconciling my feelings about success, feelings about myself and living my best life while I’m ahead and sustaining it.” “The majority of the work that I have been doing is with the help of Kim Ann Curtin. For me, the work has to do with reconciling my feelings about success, feelings about myself and living my best life while I’m ahead and sustaining it.”

– Brian Lee
Equities Trader


My Win Rate Rocketed to 75%

“Not only has my trading turned around, but my life has too. I’ve been struggling with trading for 2 years and on top of that went through a divorce. My home and work life was in shambles and my stress level had never been so high. I decided to get help in my hope to find relief. Once I started working with Kim, my trading took a 180-degree turn and my win rate rocketed to 75%. I even went on a winning streak of 16 days in a row. My self-confidence has improved and my stress levels have decreased significantly. Thank you, Kim!”
